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Full of Grace Ministry

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Founded in 2022, Full of Grace is an outreach ministry to enrich the well-being of people living in the Five Oaks and surrounding neighborhoods.


This service ministry, inspired by the dedication of long-time members of Our Lady of Grace parish and the Marianist family, offers programs and services that address the spiritual, social, educational, economic, physical and mental health needs of our community.


Food for the Journey Project

  • Respite Bags Project: Many of the guests who come to the Tuesday meal do not have homes; as a result, their food needs go beyond what can be provided at a meal on Tuesday. We have been asking members of the Marianist Family to provide brown-bags filled with shelf-stable food items and prayers that can be given to guests of the Tuesday meals. This is a great project for a lay community, including children!


Unity Gardens


Kettering Health Network

  • In May 2023, we hosted a Community Picnic and Wellness Fair in collaboration with Kettering Health Dayton and the Grandview Foundation. We look forward to hosting another neighborhood event in fall 2024!


Five Oaks Neighborhood Improvement Association

  • We continue to work closely with our Five Oaks Neighbors and look forward to coordinating Marianist Family efforts for service days. Upcoming opportunities to show up and help clean up include: June 22, July 20 and August 24. See the FONIA Facebook page for more info.



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